Women are told we get to have it all; but what happens when our “all” doesn’t align with what society says?

When Kacie Lett Gordon said these words on a Zoom call, I immediately thought….we have to talk. We met as two women in a life design class. I didn’t know her well, but I instantly had a connection with her.

As I wrote her the email, I thought…”she’s probably going to think I’m nuts” but I couldn’t NOT reach out. Something about what she was doing made me need to be a part of it.

We got on a call and Kacie shared her story of wanting to drive off the road.


I connected because I actually did drive off the road trying to “be it all, do it all, have it all” And had a TOTAL f**k it all moment! I explained that driving in the fog almost killed me (I didn’t have my brights on) and had a major accident. What I realized it that it wasn’t because of literal fog, but the FOG of Fear, Obligation and Guilt that was breaking me down.

My experience is one I live to share because in it, I found meaning, more purpose and learned hard lessons.

I am a not-sorry 40-something wife, mom and entrepreneur who loves to help women shine the light in their fog to help them grow personally and professionally.

You don’t have to have a breakdown to have a breakthrough. But you do need to get clear. 

In this podcast, I share my life-changing phrase, “that does not work for me” and drop some small, yet powerful lessons to help listeners live life on-purpose.

Kudos to the “It All” Podcast for being a gorgeous exploration and love letter to the brave women doing it their way.

Listen to my podcast here.