The Marketing Therapist®

Lorrie Thomas Ross, aka The Marketing Therapist, is a marketing speaker and CEO of Web Marketing Therapy Inc., a marketing consulting, optimization, training and management agency that gets clients on the right path for success.
Marketing Consulting
Running a successful, sustainable business stems in being rooted and supported with marketing best practices. Lorrie's expertise ensures a solid marketing foundation. Having run a business for 17 years, she brings a marketing and business lens, both critical to effectively determine and prioritize projects then establish processes and systems.
Marketing Optimization
Lorrie leads Web Marketing Therapy®, a full-service marketing agency that diagnoses, prescribes and guides sustainable marketing solutions. If you need marketing optimization, management support, training or healthy advice, admitting you need help is the first step. Healthy Marketing = Wealthy Organizations®!
Speaking and Training
If you need an educational, entertaining and value-rich marketing speaker to inspire your audience into action, Lorrie's signature programs and workshops are the key to getting audiences on the path to happier, healthier and wealthier marketing. Every presentation is customized to the audience she serves. Learn More.