I left the confines of corporate hell over a decade ago. I could do my job anywhere as long as I had a computer and an internet connection, so having to commute to an office and deal with inefficiencies (water cooler talk, distractions, politics, time driving) and unnecessary expenses (dry cleaning, gas, work lunches) felt ridiculous to me. It took years to muster up the courage to start my own consulting firm, but reflecting back, my one regret was not doing it sooner. It’s been a wild ride with lots and ups and downs, but overall, an absolutely wonderful one.

So wonderful in fact, that it’s darn time I help more women become Wild Web Women! I can and now, I will 🙂 This Wild Web Woman® launched Wild Web Women®!

I looked critically at myself and my team at Web Marketing Therapy, Inc. last year. My awakening was that I/we are more than digital marketers, we were a team of women who have been able to raise our children, work flexible schedules and earn good livings because of the wild, wonderful web! My team works without walls. We are a 100% web-based business. No office hours (and honestly, sometimes no showers!), but fully focused on our work minus the confines that corporate life brings.

I am exploding with excitement to share what I know about sales, marketing, unsexy (but necessary) administrative stuff, operations and management to help more women monetize their talents leveraging web-based business.

Wild Web Women® (www.WildWebWomen.com) was created to help women who run web-based businesses or want to run a web-based business teaching everything from sales, marketing, operations, management and life balance (you can’t pour from an empty cup you know!)

Web-based businesses RULE!

logo_wild_web_womenWild Web Women supports women with web-based businesses with guidance from women who have run our successful web-based business for over a decade. We are HUGE web business evangelists- without the wild, wonderful web, we wouldn’t have been able to raise our families, run our households, focus on health, volunteer, or travel (all while making money honey!)


I didn’t do anything to celebrate my ten year anniversary of being my own boss. While I am proud of what I have accomplished, I don’t feel like I can put my feet up and relax. There’s a movement to start. I have this huge sense of obligation to help more women leverage their talents and live happier, healthier and wealthier lives by tapping the power of web-based business.

Learn more at www.WildWebWomen.com!